Showing posts with label Insert webservice with post type with metabox value in wordpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insert webservice with post type with metabox value in wordpress. Show all posts

Monday 21 August 2017

Insert webservice with post type with metabox value in wordpress

Insert webservice with post type with metabox value in wordpress

Insert webservice with post type with metabox value in wordpress, wordpress, wordpress webserivce, insert webserice in wordpress, 


require_once '../wp-load.php';
require_once '../wp-config.php';
header('Content-type: application/json');

$response = array();

$alu_name=    sanitize_meta('name_alu_c1',$_POST['metal_name'],'user');
$alu_email=    sanitize_email($_POST['metal_email']);
$alu_mobile=    sanitize_meta('phone_alu_c1',$_POST['metal_mobile'],'user');
$alu_city=    sanitize_meta('city_alu_c1',$_POST['metal_city'],'user');
$alu_message=    sanitize_meta('message_alu_c1',$_POST['metal_message'],'user');

$my_cptpost_args = array(
            'post_title' => $alu_name,
            'post_status'   => 'publish',
            'post_type' => "enter-your-post-type-name",

$admin_email = "";
$headers[] = 'From: <>';
$second_email = "";

$cpt_id = wp_insert_post($my_cptpost_args, $wp_error );

$response['message'] = 'Thank you! We will get back to you soon.';
$response['status'] = 1;
add_post_meta($cpt_id, 'name_alu_c1', $alu_name, true);//here insert two custom field data.
add_post_meta($cpt_id, 'email_address_alu_c1', $alu_email, true);//here insert two custom field data.
add_post_meta($cpt_id, 'phone_alu_c1', $alu_mobile, true);//here insert two custom field data.
add_post_meta($cpt_id, 'city_alu_c1', $alu_city, true); //here insert two custom field data..
add_post_meta($cpt_id, 'message_alu_c1', $alu_message, true); //here insert two custom field data..

$email_temp = "Name : ".$alu_name."<br/>";
$email_temp .= "Email : ".$alu_email."<br/>";
$email_temp .= "Phone : ".$alu_mobile."<br/>";
$email_temp .= "City : ".$alu_city."<br/>";
$email_temp .= "Message : ".$alu_message."<br/>";

$inqury = " Inquiry for ".$alu_name;

$test = wp_mail( $alu_email, "Contact Us", "Thank you! We will get back to you soon.",$headers);
$test = wp_mail($admin_email, $inqury, $email_temp );
if($second_email !=''){
$test = wp_mail($second_email, $inqury, $email_temp );


$response['message'] = 'Some Error';
$response['status'] = 2;


echo json_encode($response);
